Demosthenes Ellinas
Senior nerd @QLab
Office: 145Β78Β Science Building
Tel.: +30 28210 37167
e-mail: dellinas<at>tuc.gr
Web: https://www.qlab.tuc.gr/
M.Sc. in Machine Learning and Data Science (MLDS) www.ece.tuc.gr/index.php
Postgraduate studies Program - School of ECE TUC
Course: Quantum Information and Quantum Estimation ΜΤΗ905
Winter semester 2024-25 https://www.eclass.tuc.gr/courses/MLDS115/ (TUC account required)
Distinction - Conferences
Demosthenes Ellinas teaches at M.Sc. in Machine Learning and Data Science (MLDS), the postgraduate program of the School of ECE, of Technical University of Crete. He was till August 2022 a Professor of 'Methods of Mathematical Physics' in The School of ECE of Technical University of Crete. He did postgraduate studies at the International School of Advance Studies (SISSA) in Trieste Italy and at University of Helsinki in Finland, from where he obtained his PhD degree in Theoretical Physics (1990). He spend two years as postdoctoral fellow at University of Valencia in Spain. His research activity at that time was extended to applications of group theoretical methods - Lie groups, Hopf algebras etc - to various physical problems. His teaching experience includes teaching positions in the University of Helsinki, the Vaasa Institute of Technology in Finland, the University of Crete, Department of Mathematics, the Technical University of Crete, Department of Sciences and the Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Informatics. His current research interests and work are in the area of Quantum Information and Computation, with emphasis on Quantum Algorithms. He has made extended visits as research fellow to The University of Queensland, Department of Mathematics, in Brisbane Australia (2000-10). He has taken sabbatical leaves from TUC as invited visiting scholar to the Engineering Quantum Systems Centre of Excellence of Macquarie University, Sydney, the School of Mathematics and Physics of University of Tasmania, the School of Mathematics and Physics of The University of Queensland, in Australia, to the University of Helsinki and to the Centre for Quantum Technologies in Singapore. He has been also collaborating with teams in University of Glasgow, the University of York, and the University of Leeds in UK, on topics such as topological quantum computing and twisted light-matter interaction and applications. He has co-organized workshops on various topics, most recently on the topic of "Quantum Matter". He has also edited and co-edited special issues and volumes on topics such as "Chaos"and "Quantum Computation and Information: Multi-Particle Aspects" . Also he has served extensively as reviewer in various established Journals of Theoretical and Mathematics Physics. For his work he recently (2022) received the IOP trusted reviewer status. Currently he teaches at the postgraduate program of TUC. Dr Ellinas enjoys walking.